Some software tools implemented by us:
EvilStrGen - a tool for generating attack strings for ReDoS-vulnerable regexes on non-backtracking engines.
RegexScalpel - an automatic regex repair framework that adopts a localize-and-fix strategy.
ReDoSHunter - a combined static and dynamic approach for reuglar expression DoS detection.
FlashRegex - deducing anti-ReDoS regexes from exmaples.
TransRegex - multi-modal regular expression synthesis by generate-and-repair.
FlashSchema - achieving high quality XML schemas with powerful inference algorithm and large-scale schema data.
DP - a large-scale repository of deterministic regular expression patterns. It solves the problem of lack of benchmark data set in the research.
Grammar - A toolkit, implemented in Java, supports sentence generation with coverage criteria, sentence enumeration and sentence analysis for context-free grammars. It is the most powerful tool for sentence generation in the world.
- A set of deterministic expressions and diagnostic tools:
Udtool - A toolkit, implemented in Java, supports the deterministic decision of extended regular expressions.
Udtool_Mou_and_Chen - This tool fixes some bugs in Udtool.
REAL - REAL (Regular Expression Analyzer) is a prototype tool for checking the determinism of regular expressions. Techniques may be used to assist writing deterministic expressions in designing XML Schema and so on.
Deterministic_Expression_Lu_and_Chen - This tool supports the weak deterministic decision of regular expressions, diagnoses the cause and gives the string that triggered the ambiguity.
dCHAREs - dCHAREs related tools: grammar construction program, auxiliary writing program, random generation program, concise grammar construction program, optimized random generation program.
CalculateRegexAttributes - CalculateRegexAttributes: this tool can calculate five attributes of regular expression, including (1) nullable, (2) first, (3) last, (4) followlast, and (5) flexible.
AS - analysis of large-scale XML schema data acquired from Internet.
Final-Sentence - Final-Sentence: random sentence generation based on grammar with unordered deterministic regular expressions.
A tool for determining the membership of extend regular expressions.
Compiler and interpreter of LFC language, a new specification language supporting CFG type.