
2024.6 One paper is accepted by USENIX Security'24

2024.5 One paper is accepted by ECML-PKDD 2024

2024.1 One paper wins the best paper award of SETTA 2023

2023.10 Two papers are accepted by SETTA 2023

2023.9 One paper is accepted by ICTAC 2023

2023.9 One project approved

2023.6 One paper is accepted by SciSec 2023

2023.2 One project approved

2022.5 One paper is accepted by USENIX Security'22

2022.2 One paper is accepted by The Computer Journal

2021.9 One paper is accepted by TOSEM

2021.5 One paper is accepted by USENIX Security'21

2020.12 One paper is accepted by ICSE 2021

2020.7 One paper is accepted by ASE'20

2020.2 One paper is accepted by Science of Computer Programming

2020.1 One paper is accepted by PAKDD 2020

2019.8 One paper is accepted by ICDE 2020 as a short paper

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